October, 24

The Main Intelligence Directorate showed the destruction of expensive russian radars Nebo and Gamma-S1E in the Kursk oblast (VIDEO)

11/20/2023 02:05:57 pm
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The Main Intelligence Directorate has released a video showing the destruction of expensive russian radars Nebo and Gamma-S1E in the Kursk oblast. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense's Main Intelligence Directorate reported this on November 20 in a Telegram message.

It is stated that on November 18, near the russian settlement of Dmitriev, an enemy radio-technical position was detected.

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"Two expensive russian radar stations – the 55Zh6 Nebo radar and, presumably, the Gamma-S1E – were damaged. The total losses of the enemy are being clarified", - the message says, supported by video footage from the strikes on the russian radar stations.

As reported, the Ukrainian Armed Forces eliminated more than 600 occupiers and destroyed three russian warehouses.