December, 26

The "DNR" faces a critical shortage of personnel in metallurgy, education, healthcare, and even "government administration"

11/07/2023 10:18:51 am
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The self-proclaimed "DNR" faces a critical shortage of personnel in almost all sectors of industry and the social sphere. This fact was acknowledged by the "acting Minister of Labor and Social Policy", Denis Strelchenko, as reported by local media.

According to his data, over 4,000 employees are needed in the manufacturing sector. Additionally, there is a demand for personnel in metallurgy - approximately 2,600 vacancies, an equal number of positions needed in energy enterprises, and a shortage of 2,900 workers in the spheres of "state administration" and ensuring "military security".

The "DNR authorities " have recognized a significant shortage of personnel in education, healthcare, and social services - there remain 4,200 open vacancies.