September, 8

Having a russian passport in the occupied Melitopol becomes mandatory for obtaining medicine, medical insurance and electricity supply

05/26/2023 11:52:29 am
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The presence of a russian passport in the occupied territory of the Zaporizhzhia oblast, specifically in Melitopol, is becoming a mandatory requirement for receiving medicine, medical insurance and entering into electricity supply contracts. This was announced by the mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, on the Ukrainian national news TV marathon on May 26th.

"Starting from June 1st, the distribution of free medicine will be prohibited for those who have not obtained a russian passport. This means that seriously ill patients whose lives depend on medication will be left without it", - Fedorov noted.

It is clarified that residents are also forced to renew their electricity supply contracts, and the mandatory requirement for this is the presence of a russian passport.

"The people will not receive free medical treatment without medical insurance, which can only be obtained with a russian passport", - the statement further explained.

Earlier, it was reported that occupiers in the Luhansk oblast are collecting data on teenagers who have not obtained russian passports and their parents.