July, 27

Rashists shelled Kostiantynivka with MLRS: 2 people injured, 4 houses damaged (PHOTO)

03/08/2023 09:47:01 am
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On the night of March 7, russian invaders attacked Kostiantynivka, Donetsk oblast, with Tornado multiple rocket launchers. This was reported by the head of the Donetsk oblast administration Pavlo Kyrylenko.

"In the evening, the russians fired from Tornado MLRS at Kostiantynivka. Two people got wounded as a result of the attack on the town. The rockets damaged a school, four high-rise buildings, a private house, garages and cars", - he said.

The rashists did not limit themselves to the shelling of Kostiantynivka: at night, a number of other settlements were under their fire.

"At least 5 houses were damaged in Netailove and Tonenke. In the morning there were air strikes on Lastochkine and Orlivka and shelling of Krasnohorivka and Kamianets. At night, the russians fired artillery at Karlivka (Novohrodivske territorial community) and damaged an infrastructure facility. In Avdiivka, chaotic shelling continued at night, and by morning there were 2 massive shellings and an air-rocket strike. Residential areas were hit there. In Marinka territorial community, Marinka, Krasnohorivka, Peremoha and Kostiantynivka were under fire", - Kyrylenko said.

As previously reported, the invaders killed and wounded 8 residents of Donbas in a day.