May, 7

CIA Director: "Putin made a dual rate. And it is a strategic failure for Russia"

02/27/2023 12:23:47 pm
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Russian dictator putin made a dual rate in the war against Ukraine and it is a strategic failure for russia. This was stated by director of the US Central Intelligence Department William Burns on the air of the CBS television channel, - Voice of America reports.

According to Burns, putin believes that "he can make time work for himself, he can interrupt Ukrainians, he can exhaust our European allies and that political fatigue in the West will come sooner or later".

"Experience shows that Putin believes that we, Americans, are subject to attention deficit syndrome, and that, in the end, sooner or later, we will transfer our attention to some other problem. Therefore, Putin, I think, believes today to a great extent that yes, for some time, he will not be able to win, but at the same time, he cannot afford himself to lose. This is his belief. So instead of looking for - either a way to retreat, or some kind of a way out of the situation that would arrange all - Putin made a dual rate. By any objective standards, it is still a strategic failure for Russia", - the Director of the CIA explained.

When asked if putin understands that he simply throws his young soldiers into a meat grinder and what the price of loss russia should pay so that putin would change his opinion, William Burns replied that "Putin is not at all sentimental to human casualties and huge losses, which his country carries during this war".

As Burns emphasized, "Putin still has a lot of arrogance in his assessments of the war, and the most important thing can be done to dispel this arrogance in the future of 2023 is to provide all kinds of material and intelligence support to our Ukrainian partners so that they impulse on the battlefield".

Burns said that as a former diplomat, he would like to see opportunities for negotiations.