September, 21

In St. Petersburg, "murderers and Judas" clean installation with hearts off from inscription "You have bombed Mariupol out"

12/20/2022 01:14:10 pm
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The installation, hypocritically dedicated to the "twinning" of St. Petersburg and Mariupol destroyed by the russian invaders, was washed away from inscription "Killers, you have bombed it out. Judas" and was put in its original place on the Palace Square. This is reported by the Open Parad Telegram channel.

As previously reported, the installation was urgently dismantled after a 17-year-old schoolgirl wrote an anti-war message to the criminal putin regime on it. An administrative case was brought against the girl about "discrediting" the armed forces of the russian federation.

This is the kind of "brotherly love" the "russian world" brought to Ukrainian Mariupol