July, 27

Lukashenko admits that Belarus is participating in russian war, but swears that there will be no mobilization

10/04/2022 07:19:10 pm
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Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko admitted that Belarus is participating in the russian war in Ukraine, but swears that there will be no mobilization. He stated this at a meeting "on the issues of military security" on October 4, - BBC reports.

At the meeting, Lukashenka confirmed that Belarus is taking part in a "special military operation" in Ukraine. However, he denies that Belarus is sending troops to Ukraine to help russia. And participation is to "treat the wounded, accept refugees and prevent the conflict from spreading to the territory of Belarus".

"But we don't kill anyone. We don't send our military anywhere. We don't violate our obligations", - Lukashenko assures.

At the same time, Lukashenko called reports that mobilization is being prepared in Belarus "fake". He really instructed the military commissariats to check all those liable for military service who are in the reserve, but only in order "not to repeat the mistakes of russia".

"As soon as mobilization was announced in russia, we see what shortcomings there are. Let us not get into the essence of the issue - it is up to the russian federation how to carry out mobilization. But when the summonses were sent out, some people in russia were not on the spot. Someone died, someone escaped, sick and so on. This is a lesson for us", - Lukashenko stated.

According to him, as soon as the cleaning campaign is over, the military registration and enlistment offices need to "carefully call people in the area, see their presence and clarify all our materials, lists and documents".

The report recalls that at the beginning of the war, Belarus provided its territory to the russian army. A few days later, Lukashenko confirmed that missiles were launched at Ukraine from the territory of Belarus.