July, 27

Luhansk mobilized people who escaped from Lyman riot in Shchastia (VIDEO)

10/03/2022 02:54:08 pm
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The russian occupiers fled from Lyman - and some of them ended up already in Shchastia of the Luhansk oblast. Head of the oblast military administration Serhiy Haidai reported this in Telegram on October 3.

"Wounded russians come to medical facilities in Starobilsk every day. They even set up a checkpoint near one of the hospitals. Some of the survivors in Lyman were a little lucky - they managed to escape further, to Shchastia", - he reported.

According to Haidai, a convoy of civilian cars and minibuses was noticed in the area of Shchastia on September 30. It consisted of more than 200 fighters of the so-called "2nd Army Corps of the russian troops".

Information about this is confirmed by the Operational AFU Telegram channel, which posted a video with Luhansk mobilized people. It is claimed that in the video, the fighters who fled from Drobysheve have been living on the pipes of the heating main for three days and complain that they have nothing to "eat and drink".

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Let us recall that earlier, the invaders in Starobilsk confirmed the strike of the AFU on the stadium.