July, 27

In russian federation, municipal deputies of 18 districts have already signed petition demanding putin's resignation

09/12/2022 04:05:35 pm
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Municipal deputies from 18 districts of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kolpin have signed a petition demanding the resignation of russian president putin. This is reported by Radio Liberty.

The statement says that putin's actions harm the future of russia and its citizens. At the time of writing, the petition has been signed by at least 20 municipal deputies.

The report recalls that on September 7, the deputies of the Smolninskoye municipality in St. Petersburg published a request to the State Duma of the russian federation to accuse putin of high treason and demand his removal from office. Petersburg deputies believe that the decision of the head of state to start the invasion of the russian army on the territory of Ukraine harms the security of the country and its citizens. On September 9, the deputies who signed the appeal were summoned to the police, and protocols were drawn up against them under the article on "discrediting the russian army".

On September 9, an appeal to putin appeared on the official website of the Lomonosovsky moscow municipal district demanding to resign. The deputies stated that a change of power was necessary for the country's well-being, and noted that after the second term of the president, "everything went wrong".