July, 27

Ukrainian troops advance 20 km in Kharkiv region due to tactical surprise - ISW

09/08/2022 11:15:12 am
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The Armed Forces of Ukraine have liberated 400 square kilometers northwest of Izium as a result of tactical surprise. This was reported on September 8 by the Institute for the Study of War.

According to the Institute's experts, the Ukrainian military began to advance in the south-east of the Kharkiv oblast, taking advantage of the redeployment of russian forces to the south direction.

Thanks to this, the day before, Ukrainian forces managed to advance at least 20 kilometers into the temporarily occupied territory of the Kharkiv oblast. In total, our defenders liberated about 400 square kilometers.

At the same time, the ISW is convinced that the AFU offensive in the Kherson direction is not a deception in an attempt to divert to the south of Ukraine as many russian troops as possible. Instead, Ukrainian forces likely took advantage of the redeployment of russian troops, equipment and overall operational concentration to launch localized counter-offensives against critical locations in the Kharkiv oblast.

Let us recall that the day before, statements began to appear in rashist publics that the occupiers had left Balakliia.