July, 27

"DNR" intends to introduce criminal penalties for homosexuality

08/15/2022 03:32:47 pm
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The so-called "People's Council of the DNR" in the territory of the Donetsk oblast not controlled by Ukraine registered a "draft resolution on the introduction of criminal liability" for alternative sexual orientation. Editor-in-chief of the Ostrov news agency Serhiy Harmash told this on his Facebook.

"It turns out that on August 2, the "People's Council of the DNR" registered a resolution on the introduction of criminal liability for homosexuality… I wonder why now, during active hostilities? Has the "problem" reached such proportions in the "UNDERrussian world" that it began to affect combat capability of the "Narcotics police"?" - Harmash speaks ironically.

He also writes that perhaps, the problem is that a lot of russian military arrived in Donetsk.

"Or did so many russians come to Donetsk that the locals decided to fight them at the "legislative" level? In any case, there was no need for such soviet measures under Ukraine. If it appeared, then with the appearance in Donetsk of a large number of russian military… Well, what about the well-known refrain now: "Nobody will put the Donbas to its knees…"?" – Serhiy Harmash wrote.

As previously reported, leader of the "DNR" Denis Pushilin wanted diplomatic relations with the DPRK.