October, 24

"There is no right, no task." Ministry of information policy of Ukraine will not interfere with communication of the "DPR" leader with Kharkov

04/15/2016 06:10:22 pm
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Ministry of Information Policy is not going to block any channels of communication, including the separatist websites trying to spread their propaganda on the free territory of Ukraine. Deputy Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine Tatyana Popova commented OstroV so on information that the leader of the "DPR" Alexander Zakharchenko is going to hold a "straight line" with the residents of Kharkov region through the Internet.

"The Ministry of Information Policy has no task to block any channels of communication. We do not have neither the right nor the task. All the issues of anti-terrorism in our country are within the jurisdiction of the SSU," - she said.

At the same time, Tatiana Popova promised to contact with colleagues from other services to decide how to react to this message.

"We’ll talk with our colleagues from other services how to react to it. In fact, it's very funny, given what is happening in the" DPR" and a peaceful situation in Kharkov region. They will have to work with decoy ducks in the a straight line to try to make some propaganda material," - she noted.

As reported by OstroV, the head of the fake self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic" Alexander Zakharchenko plans to hold an online conference with the residents of Kharkov region on April 20th. Providers block access of residents to Ukrainian information resources on occupied territory of the "DPR".