July, 27

Ukraine does not plan to negotiate with Russia on gas direct sales - Shmyhal

10/05/2021 03:18:12 pm
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Ukraine is not going to negotiate with the Russian Federation to conclude a direct contract for the supply of natural gas. Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal told this to Lb.ua.

"Such negotiations are not planned", - the Prime Minister said.

Shmyhal recalled that over 18.5 billion cu m of gas have already been accumulated in the underground storage facilities of Ukraine. The country also has its own gas production, which will allow it to pass the upcoming heating season.

According to him, one should not expect a significant re-export to the European market of gas owned by foreign traders, which is stored in the Ukrainian underground storage facilities. "In any case, the first proposal is always made to Ukraine in such cases. With a probability of 100%, the gas located in Ukraine will be used here", - Shmyhal said.

As previously reported, Ukraine has not imported natural gas under a contract with PJSC Gazprom (Russia) for almost six years - since November 26, 2015, purchasing the resource exclusively on the western border of the country. The reason for Ukraine's refusal to buy gas on its eastern border at the end of 2015 was a price inconsistency. At the same time, after the Stockholm Arbitration revised the contractual formula in the contract between Naftogaz and Gazprom, Ukraine was ready to resume direct imports in the spring of 2018, but the Russian monopolist returned the advance payment to the NJSC. The contract for the supply of gas between Naftogaz and Gazprom expired on December 31, 2019, the parties did not sign a new one.