October, 24

"DNR" occupiers "legalize" seizure of apartments of internally displaced persons

04/29/2021 05:33:21 pm
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Real estate, located in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast, can now be not just "seized", but "recognized as ownerless" and "transferred to the municipal ownership" of the "DNR" occupiers. The corresponding document was posted on the website of the "DNR" leader Denis Pushilin.

We are talking about the "decree" of April 28, which approved the so-called "Standard procedure for identifying, recording and accepting ownerless immovable and escheat property into municipal ownership".

"In the event of an appeal to the administration of a person who considers himself the owner of an immovable thing that has characteristics of an ownerless thing, or receiving reliable information about the presence of an owner of an immovable thing that has characteristics of an ownerless thing, the administration stops collecting documents for registering such an immovable thing. At the same time, the administration sends the owner of the immovable thing (if there is information about his/her place of residence) an appeal with a request to waive the rights to it in favor of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit of the DNR or to take measures for the proper maintenance of this property. The administration should also place an announcement with such information on its official website", - the occupiers' "document" says.

In addition, the so-called "DNR deputy"Anastasia Selivanova commented on Pushilin's new "decree": "A very serious document. I am waiting for the indignation of the former Donetsk residents who left 7 years ago, does not pay the utilities and thinks that this is OK… Not now… If your property is recognized as ownerless, then in a year, it can be transferred to municipal ownership and given to people in need… Perhaps, this decree will solve the problems of crumbling unfinished buildings and abandoned apartments…".

At the same time, local publics are full of emotional comments from the indignant Donetsk residents: "Probably, she (Selivanova, - ed.), also got her apartment like that?? By seizing?? Because she would not say such things, if she earned money on it herself!!!", "Private property is private property. Nobody has the right to claim it. This should be the basic principle of the rule of law. But our people only think how to seize and plunder. Under any pretext", "The committees of the poor, food rationing, judicial triumvirates and stigma "enemy of the republic" and "children of the enemies of the republic" are getting closer and closer.

As Ostrov earlier reported, occupation authorities in Donetsk announced the introduction of "public administration" in relation to two apartments in a residential building on the Dzerzhinsky Avenue.