July, 27

Six years of shooting of stop in Bosse microdistrict by "DNR" militants: occupiers cynically remember the dead (PHOTO)

01/22/2021 06:03:40 pm
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Occupation authorities of the "DNR" have cynically celebrated the sixth anniversary of the shooting of a trolleybus stop in Donetsk on January 22, 2015 by their own militants, which led to the death of 8 civilians. This is evidenced by the memorial service held today in memory of the innocent pro-Russian occupiers of the "republic".

"The memorial service for those killed as a result of the shelling… was held at the scene of the tragedy in the Bosse residential area in the Leninskyi district of Donetsk today. The memorial service was attended by deputies, representatives of local authorities, community activists and local residents. They lit candles in memory of the victims. The memorial service was held by the clergy of the Donetsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church", - separatist media reported.

As previously reported, at least 8 people died the very same day six years ago - on January 22, 2015 - as a result of the barbarous shelling of the Bosse microdistrict in Donetsk by the "DNR" militants. Despite the fact that it was extremely difficult to blame the Ukrainian army for this tragedy - people were killed in the deep rear of Donetsk occupied by the terrorists - the "DNR" propagandists instantly came up with a kind of "sabotage group", which, allegedly, was able to freely organize a mobile firing point in a city stuffed with separatist police, the Ministry of State Security and other "security services".

The "DNR" leader cynically laid flowers at a memorial sign to those who died as a result of shelling of a peaceful quarter by the "republic's" militants


Occupational propaganda openly calls the priests of the Donetsk diocese servers of the Russian Orthodox Church

Meanwhile, those wishing to find out who staged the bloodshed at a public transport stop in Donetsk found on the Internet perhaps even an advertising video of the "roving" mortar Vasilek (Cornflower) , similar to the one from which the shelling of peaceful citizens was committed with great probability. The journalists of Novorossia proudly told how it can be put on alert in 1.5 minutes, shoot and, again, leave the place of shelling in 1.5 minutes. OstroV's sources report that a similar truck with a mortar squad was spotted in different parts of the city on the eve of the Bosse massacre three times.

Two years ago, former "DNR" militant Denis Lotov, who fought against Ukraine in 2014, reported in his video blog the real reasons for the tragedy on January 22, 2015 and named its perpetrators. According to Lotov, the shooters were Russian Cossacks from the group of Ataman Safonenko, who were at enmity with Zakharchenko's Oplot.

"Someone seized something out there. The Cossacks came to punish. In general, they fired from a mortar at the Oploto base, which is located nearby. But they shoot badly, so they missed and hit the stop with this trolleybus. But of course, when such a betrayal comes out, no one will tell… Therefore, they immediately overblown the story of how Ukes killed the civilians", - Lotov admitted.

For a detailed photo report about those tragic events see HERE