The turnout for the "reservists" gathering, which the "LNR" and "DNR" leaders announced at the end of last year, amounted to 11% and 14%, respectively. This is reported in the separatist segment of social networks.
"As known, the civil protection forces training and the reservists gathering were held in the republics at the end of the year. The announced measures for reconciliation check of the persons liable for military service showed that 11% were present in the LNR, and 14% of the total number in the DNR", - the report says.
According to local bloggers, there are several reasons for the low turnout. Firstly, this is the widespread elementary ignorance and evasion of the "people liable for military service in the DNR". Secondly, the residents are simply absent from the "republics", and the "military enlistment offices" continue to submit lists with their data.
As reported by OstroV, the "LNR/DNR leaders" issued "decrees" "On the control notification and the appearance of citizens being in reserve at the points of preliminary gathering of citizens" in November last year. Representatives of the "power structures" began to conduct a door-to-door survey to identify "citizens being in reserve".