July, 27

"Work of political subgroup is still blocked. There were tough moments" - Harmash

09/17/2020 03:56:30 pm
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The work of political subgroup of the Trilateral Contact Group remains blocked. Serhiy Harmash, an analyst, a member of the Ukrainian delegation to the Minsk TCG, wrote this on the evening of September 16 at his FB.

"Despite a lot of conspiracy theories about some secret agreements at the last meeting of N-4, today's meeting of the Minsk TCG allows us to speak with confidence that nothing global was agreed there. Because nothing has changed in the TCG: the work of the political subgroup is still blocked", - he reported.

Harmash also reported that the exchange of prisoners was similarly blocked.

"The reason is still the same – the resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on local elections. Collaborators from CADLO demand that it be brought in line with the Minsk agreements. Russia still pretends to be an observer. There were tough moments, but on that – later" , - he concluded.