September, 8

Death rate from COVID-19 in "DNR" is almost three times higher than in free Ukraine

09/11/2020 01:57:13 pm
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Occupiers of the "DNR" have confirmed 2780 cases of coronavirus infection, of which 155 are fatal, as of the morning of September 11, - the so-called "DNR Ministry of Health" reports.

Thus, the death rate from COVID-19 in the occupied territory is 5.6%.

If we compare this figure with the all-Ukrainian one, there are 148 756 laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities today, of which 3076 are fatal. The death rate is 2.1%.

According to world statistics, in total, 28 343 754 cases were registered in the morning of September 11, of which 914 123 are fatal, that is, the death rate is 3.2%.

Another 41 cases of the disease were confirmed in the "DNR" over the past day. The occupiers particularly emphasize cases that were allegedly revealed in those who arrived from the territory controlled by Ukraine - two such cases were reported. In total, 130 arrivals were allegedly diagnosed with COVID-19 starting from June 25, 2020.