September, 8

Occupiers admit two deaths and 33 new cases of COVID-19 over the past day

09/10/2020 01:35:24 pm
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Two lethal and 33 new cases of coronavirus disease have been confirmed in the occupied territory of Donetsk region over the past day, - the so-called "DNR Ministry of Health" reports.

"Two deaths have been registered - a man aged 44 and a woman aged 68", - the report says.

The occupiers particularly emphasize the cases that were allegedly revealed in those who arrived from the territory controlled by Ukraine. So, this time, one such case is reported out of 33 new patients with COVID-19.

In total, in the morning of today, September 10, the "DNR" confirmed 2739 cases of coronavirus infection and clarify that 128 of them were from those who arrived from the territory controlled by Ukraine.

155 deaths from this disease have been reported in the occupied Donetsk region during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic.