October, 18

Growing death rate: occupiers of "DNR" recognize five more deaths from COVID-19

08/26/2020 02:48:10 pm
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The "DNR" occupiers have recognized 36 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infection and five deaths over the past day. This is said the report of the so-called "Ministry of Health".

Among the newly discovered cases - one in a person who arrived from the Russian Federation. The rest were in contact with the previously diseased. The patients' condition is satisfactory.

According to the occupiers, in total, 2400 cases of COVID-19 were registered in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast as of August 26, 1185 people recovered and 135 died. 130 deaths were reported just yesterday.

As of August 26, the death rate in the occupied part of Donetsk oblast exceeded 5.6%, which is significantly more than the same indicator in free Ukraine.