September, 8

Occupiers of "DNR" continue to threaten local residents with coronavirus "imported from Ukraine"

08/04/2020 04:14:28 pm
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Occupation authorities of the "DNR" have recognized 44 new cases of COVID-19 over the last two days. This is said in the report of the so-called "Ministry of Health".

At the same time, in order to demonstrate the correctness of the decision on the limited admission of citizens to the occupied territory only according to the lists of some "operational headquarters" with the obligatory passage of a two-week observation, the "Ministry of Health" reported that 16 people out of 44 diseased arrived from the territory controlled by Ukraine.

"According to the studies, 44 cases of COVID-19 were discovered, of which 16 cases were found in those who arrived from Ukraine on July 20 and 27", - the report said.

At the same time, only two cases were imported from coronavirus-hit Russia.

As previously reported, leader of the "DNR" Denis Pushilin stated that cases of infection with the COVID-19 virus were recorded in every group of people arriving to the "DNR" from the territory controlled by the legitimate government of Ukraine.

"We open the "border" with Ukraine twice a week (the contact line – OstroV), and we detect the infection with coronavirus every arrival of people. They are isolated here in our outpatient department. If they had come every day without lists, we would have been "drowned", - Pushilin emphasized the justification of strict restrictive measures in relation to those wishing to return to their place of residence in CADO.