October, 24

Back home! Only 190 people receive permission from "DNR" authorities to return to occupation zone (PHOTO)

07/07/2020 06:09:50 pm
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A total of 190 people have received permission from the "DNR" authorities to leave for the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities through the open for one day Olenivka checkpoint. This was told to journalists of the separatist media by calling herself "deputy of the people's council" Yulia Kriukova.

According to her, they received permission to enter CADO from a certain "Interagency Operation Headquarters t for the prevention of importation and spread of new coronavirus infection caused by 2019-nCoV".

"190 people should enter approximately today. Everything is going as usual", - the self-proclaimed deputy reported.

She confirmed that the occupiers would not let anyone into the territory they control in the near future except for these 190 people. The decision on the next day of the checkpoint's operation will be made as applications are processed", - she explained.

As OstroV reported, the occupation authorities open their checkpoint on July 7 for one day, limiting the number of citizens to enter/exit as much as possible. The militants will provide passing to the occupied territory only with the permission of the very same headquarters, that is, according to the lists. All arrivals will be sent for compulsory observation "lasting at least 14 days".

As for those who want to leave CADO, the occupiers will pass only those who are registered in the free territory of Ukraine. Thus, residents of the uncontrolled areas of Donetsk oblast are still not allowed to travel abroad.

Earlier, Ukraine opened two checkpoints on the line of contact with the occupied part of Donetsk oblast. However, hiding behind the need to combat the spread of COVID-19, the occupation authorities demanded that the Ukrainian side let in only those citizens whom the occupation authorities unilaterally include in certain lists. In addition, the power structures of the "DPR" made it most difficult for people and vehicles to leave CADO. As a result, large groups of people wishing to both leave the occupied territory and enter it gathered at the Olenivka checkpoint. Unable to establish the work of the transport corridor, the "DNR" leader ordered to close the Olenivka checkpoint, thereby having completely stopped throughput operations on the contact line.

On July 1, the "DNR" occupiers stated they were developing a mechanism for alternative crossing of the demarcation line with the controlled territory of Ukraine.