October, 18

Occupiers at two checkpoints restrain stream of people wishing to leave "DNR" through Olenivka - social networks

06/23/2020 03:24:57 pm
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Occupation authorities of the "DNR" artificially restrain a stream of people who want to leave the occupation zone for the territory controlled by Ukraine by setting up two additional checkpoints for this. Eyewitnesses write this on social networks.

According to them, the first checkpoint was set at the exit from Donetsk, and it has a queue "for verification". The second checkpoint restrains a stream of citizens at the entrance to Olenivka. And finally, those who wish to enter the territory controlled by Ukraine are expected by the Olenivka checkpoint itself.

Some of the people and vehicles at the "filter" checkpoints were returned for unknown reasons. "People, were someone able to get to Olenivka? They turned part of the cars at the checkpoint at the entrance to Olenivka", "They said to drive away, they would not let anyone else go in the direction of the checkpoint today", "What are these stinking goats hoping for, having organized such a mess? After all, we see and we understand everything! These humiliating roadblocks, forms, photographing as criminals, signing acknowledgments of non-return, lack of transport in the gray zone… These inhumans claim that they care about people", - people outraged by the shockingly organized by the "DNR" occupation authorities work of the Olenivka checkpoint.

Calling himself a "deputy of the People's Council" Vladislav Berdichesky advises residents of CADO to refrain from trying to cross the contact line through Olenivka due to the fact that the occupation authorities could not let people in the queue to leave the "DNR" back on Monday.

As previously reported, the "DNR" occupation authorities decided to open the Olenivka checkpoint on June 22 for provocative purposes, knowing that the Novotroitske checkpoint located on the controlled territory was closed for entry and exit. There was a threat of the accumulation of a large number of vehicles and people in the gray zone. Ukrainian authorities decided not to succumb to provocations and decided to resume the throughput operations at Novotroitske. Earlier, the Marinka checkpoint was opened in the Donetsk oblast on June 10 by decision of the JFO commander, but occupation authorities of the "DNR" ignored it, blocking the entry and exit of citizens with reference to quarantine measures.