September, 8

Almost 50 babies born by surrogate mothers for foreigners stuck in Kyiv hotel (PHOTO)

05/14/2020 03:23:10 pm
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Almost 50 babies born from surrogate mothers are in the Kyiv hotel Venice, because their parents cannot pick them up due to the closure of borders. This was reported by authorized representative of the Verkhovna Rada on human rights Lyudmyla Denisova in her Facebook.

"Ukraine has once again appeared to be at the epicenter of scandals over the protection of rights of the children born by surrogacy. A video showing 46 children currently staying in one of Kyiv's hotels has been posted on social networks and on the official website of one of Kyiv's clinics (BioTex Reproductive Medicine Clinic - OstroV). All these children were born by surrogacy from foreign nationals from different countries", - she wrote.


The clinic staff assures surrogate parents from the USA, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, China, France, Germany and other countries who cannot take their children away because of COVID-19, that everything is fine with the babies, and all of them are under the supervision of pediatricians.

Judging by the video, all 46 children are in one room of the Kyiv hotel Venice.