September, 8

Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights

05/06/2020 12:00:00 pm
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In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on May 5, the armed forces of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire 6 times, using 82 mm mortars prohibited by the Minsk agreements, as well as grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns, sniper and small arms, - the JFO headquarters reported. There were no losses among our defenders as a result of the enemy shelling. Our defenders responded to every enemy fire in time with available firearms and gave the occupiers a fitting rebuff. There were no cases of coronavirus infection among the Joint Forces personnel; situation in the area of ​​the operation remains controlled.

Occupation authorities of the "LNR" report 18 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infection per day. This was stated in the so-called "Ministry of Health of the LNR". Thus, the total number of infected increased to 162 people.

An ENT specialist from occupied Pervomaisk died from coronavirus pneumonia. This was reported by the so-called "Minister" of health of the "LNR" Natalia Pashchenko. "Unfortunately, today we suffered a loss. We have attested the death of the otolaryngologist from Pervomaisk. This is our colleague, 64 years old, who assisted patients, including, as it turned out, with coronavirus infection… He was infected, the diagnosis of coronavirus infection was confirmed on April 15, then he was transferred to the fourth city hospital (Luhansk), where he was put on a ventilator in early May. Our colleague died from coronavirus pneumonia in a week", - Pashchenko stated.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" recognized 133 cases of COVID-19 disease in the uncontrolled territory of Donetsk oblast. This was stated in the report of the so-called "Ministry of Health". As of May 5, there were 133 registered and confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the territory of CADO: 113 were under treatment, 16 were discharged, 4 deaths were recorded.

A six-day underground strike of miners of the Nikanor-Nova mine in the uncontrolled territory of Luhansk oblast ended with partial concessions from the occupation authorities. This was reported by separatist publics on social networks. The so-called "Minister of Fuel, Energy and Coal Industry of the LNR" Pavel Malgin arrived at the mine on the sixth day of the strike. He persuaded the miners to stop the protest, having promised to pay off the semi-annual wage arrears by May 25. The miners received a two-month debt for October and November on the Monday evening. As for the dry closure of the mine, this decision remains in force - the city of Zorynsk will lose the only city-forming enterprise.

A resident of the occupied territory of Luhansk oblast received 12 years in prison for "high treason", separatist media wrote. "As a result of investigation of the criminal case initiated by the Ministry of State Security investigative department against former law enforcement officer of the LNR Dmitry Belikov, it was established that he had left for Ukraine by prior arrangement with… officers of the National Police, using the program "They are waiting for you at home", - was reported. The statement of militants of the "LNR Ministry of State Security" said that later, Belikov allegedly "was forced to agree to cooperate with the Ukrainian intelligence service", "The SBU accomplice Dmitry Belikov was sentenced to 12 years in prison for high treason", - the occupiers' report said.

The Luhanskvoda enterprise controlled by the "LNR" militants will stop supplying the central part of occupied Luhansk due to repairs to the water main, separatist media wrote. In connection with emergency recovery work, water supply to consumers was stopped along the streets: Alekseyeva, Staryh Bolshevikov, Gubskogo, Yakubovskogo, Vorovskogo, Kotelnikova, Sent-Etyenovskaya, Shevtsovoy, Dzerzhynskogo, Demekhina, Sovetskaya, Lunacharskogo, Polskogo, from 1st to 24th line, Volodarskogo, Shevchenko, Frunze, Sheremeta, Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Donetskaya, Titova, Moscovskaya, Kotsiubinskogo, Krasnaya Square, Octiabrskaya, Internatsyonalnaya, Karla Marksa and Lenina. Subscribers of the town of the OR plant microdistrict will be supplied with the reduced pressure water.