September, 8

Leader of "DNR" states that occupied Donbass must have its own "citizenship" according to Minsk agreements

01/17/2020 01:11:00 pm
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The "DNR" leader Denis Pushilin has stated that the occupied Donbass would have its own "citizenship" after the implementation of the Minsk agreements. He stated this in an interview with separatist media, commenting on the facts of detention of the residents of CADO, who do not have a fake "passport" of the "DNR".

"We do not yet have a fundamental law on "citizenship", and its adoption will be possible only after Ukraine fulfills its obligations to implement the Minsk agreements. Therefore, the Ukrainian passport is currently a legal identity document and has the same legal force as a passport of a citizen of the "DNR" and the Russian Federation. The question of the ban on its use on the territory of the "republic" is not currently raised", - the leader of the "DNR" stated.

As reported, the Minsk agreements, first of all, provide for the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine by providing the temporarily occupied territories of Donbass with the status of "areas with a special order of local self-government". These territories receive no right to adopt any "laws" and, moreover, to have their own "citizenship". furthermore, such concepts like the "DNR/LNR", as well as the names of any positions of "heads of republics", do not appear in the Minsk documents at all.