October, 24

Family of the entrepreneur and ardent supporter of the "DPR" was beaten by the local "general" and fled from Donetsk

02/25/2016 10:28:26 pm
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Donetsk entrepreneur and supporter of the "DPR" Vladimir Kolganov with his wife and daughter were beaten by local "general" and were forced to leave occupied Donetsk. It is reported by the Patrioticheskiye sily Donbassa (The patriotic forces of Donbass) separatist website, associated with the disgraced commander of the Vostok gang Alexander Khodakovsky.

Vladimir Kolganov is a master of sports of the USSR, champion of the Soviet Union in triathlon and decathlon with dogs in 1988, founded the kennel. After "Russian Spring" Kolganov’s kennel became something like rescue center for dogs, for whom there was no place in emergency vehicles.

"We did not expect that the war would begin, - quotes website words of Vladimir Kolganov’s wife Svetlana. - But we welcomed the republic with all our heart! We went to the referendum, voted for independence. We gave needed concrete blocks to militias, which before the war had been brought to the construction of our country house. All the barricades in front of the television center in 61Kuybysheva Street were made of them. But we knew then they were more needed there. "

Last fall the militants decided to "muscled in on" kennel: armed men brought the order to Kolganov, supporting the "republic", "to leave the territory immediately". Kolganovs took inventory, which they could and managed to pick up, out of the kennel and put together on the adjacent derelict site. There they continued training with animals.

On February 14th, 2016 black "Range Rover" with armed people drove to the place of training. "One of them, in uniform, Army General of the DPR introduced as Grigoriy Belyayev. He was obviously drunk. Belyayev brandished a gun and demanded from Kolganov in an obscene manner to leave the place where there was a training session. Then the scene started to resemble bloody skirmish of militants of the "natty 90," - says the site.

As Svetlana Kolganova explained the situation: "Belyayev went in a wobbly gait out of the car, demanded the keys to our car, began to shoot, hit my husband together with my militants. Hit with hands, feet, rifle butt on the head, the whole body. They were killing in front of witnesses. When I asked what they were doing? He opened fire into the air and his guards fired into the ground in front of our feet. Belyayev came up to me and hit at my belly, so that I fell backwards and hit my head against the asphalt. He threatened me with his pistol. Then he pointed the gun at my daughter, who came to help her father. He kicked her at the belly, wringing her hands and fired, but the bullet came by."

Because of the resulting kick at the belly, Kolganov’s daughter had a miscarriage.

"Kolganov’s explanatory is on two pages and it’s very difficult to finish reading it from a moral point of view. It is also about how her husband being unconsciousness was put in the trunk of the car and taken to the police station, what was happening there. And most importantly - the wishes, bordering on threats, to leave the republic immediately, so that the promises to kill won’t be realized. The threats had an effect - Kolganovs left Donetsk for a safe place," - says the separatist website.