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EU expects steps from Kyiv to alleviate situation of victims of conflict in Donbass

11/22/2019 12:38:27 pm
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The European Union is expecting steps from the Ukrainian government that will alleviate the situation of people affected by the conflict in the Donbass. This was stated by the head of the department for relations with the countries of the "Eastern Partnership" of the EU Foreign Service Richard Tibbels at a meeting of the European Parliament delegation on association with Ukraine, which was held in Brussels on November 21, - DW reports.

According to Tibbels, Brussels sees that the ceasefire violations in the Donbass continue. At the same time, the EU points to "encouraging" signals: exchange of prisoners in September, withdrawal of forces in Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrovske, mine clearing and completion on November 20 of the construction of bridge across the Siverskyi Donets River in Stanytsia Luhanska.

"These were bold steps by the Ukrainian party", - the EU foreign policy official noted. He empkasized that now Brussels expects from Russia "no less significant steps to advance the Minsk process", Moscow could have already taken them at the Normandy Four summit, scheduled for December 9 in Paris.

At the same time, the EU expects new steps from the Ukrainian authorities in the context of an "inclusive" approach to Ukrainian citizens in the territory of CADLO, which was declared by President of the country Volodymyr Zelensky. "We think that there are still things that Ukraine can do. Namely, to strengthen the support (of people. - ed.) in social issues, such as payment of pensions to citizens in the territories not controlled by the government and electoral rights of internally displaced persons", - Tibbels stated.

According to him, Ukraine recently promised the EU to pass a law on the electoral rights of such persons before the end of the year.

The EU official expressed full support for the work of the Normandy Four and Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk. Tibbels added that Brussels is looking forward to the day "when the implementation of "Minsk" will be completed and the EU will be ready to play a leading role in rebuilding the Donbass".

As you know, internally displaced persons cannot vote either in the elections of people's deputies of Ukraine according to the majority voted system, or in local elections. They need to contact the election commissions to temporarily change the place for voting in the presidential election or election to the Verkhovna Rada on a party list basis.

Let us recall that in order to receive pensions, residents of CADLO have to come to the territory controlled by the government. Moreover, if they want to continue receiving pensions, they cannot stay in the territory of CADLO for more than 60 consecutive days. Human rights activists have repeatedly criticized such a policy as discriminatory, - the report said.