October, 24

"Political lynching". Two people's deputies expelled from Servant of the People fraction

11/15/2019 01:23:33 pm
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People's deputies from Servant of the People Anton Poliakov and Anna Skorokhod were expelled from the faction. The People's deputies reported this to journalists on the sidelines of the Verkhovna Rada – correspondent of OstroV reports.

"They explained it this way: he led his telegram channel and expressed his opinion, which is different from the party. It is just a political lynching", - Poliakov said.

Anna Skorokhod also confirmed the information about her expulsion from the Servant of the People faction.

"Anton and I were expelled from the faction. I think this is a positive moment, because now we can say what we think and vote for the president's program without persecution… We never went against the president, we always supported him and will support him", - she said.

Earlier, Anton Poliakov initiated the collection of signatures for the resignation of Prosecutor General Ruslan Riaboshapka.

Head of the Servant of the People faction Davyd Arakhamia accused Anna Skorohod of the repeated appealing to the people's deputies and offering them financial assistance for certain votes.