October, 24

Ukrainian party completes preparations for restoration of bridge span near Stanytsia Luhanska (PHOTO)

11/07/2019 11:53:53 am
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The Ukrainian party of the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire and Stabilization of the demarcation line of the parties (JCCC) states that preparatory work to restore the destroyed bridge span at disengagement area No.1 (Stanytsia Luhanska) has been completed by the Ukrainian party. This is reported by the press center of the Joint Forces Operation headquarters.

It is reported that representatives of Ukrtransmost LLC and pyrotechnic units of the State Emergency Service continue to work near Stanytsia Luhanska.

"The bridge builders have completed laying of steelworks and are carrying out their welding. The bridge spans are being processed using an air sand blower. The iron remains of the destroyed bridge are also being cut up", - the report said.

"Let us note that the bypass will work until the repair of destroyed part of the main bridge continues", - the JCCC added.