September, 8

Five years to "Minsk". U.S. Embassy calls on Russia to fulfill its obligations

09/05/2019 01:03:00 pm
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On the fifth anniversary of signing of the Minsk agreements, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine calls on the Russian authorities to fulfill their commitments to cease fire in the Donbass. This is stated in the message of the Embassy.

"Five years ago on this day, Russia signed the Minsk protocol, agreeing to immediately cease fire in the Donbass. Russian aggression continues. Russia must leave the Donbass and comply with the obligations undertaken upon signing the Minsk agreements", - the message of the American diplomats said.

As previously reported, Russia does not comply with the main provisions of the protocol signed in Minsk on September 5, 2014. In particular, the Minsk protocol provides for an immediate bilateral cessation of the use of weapons, permanent monitoring on the Ukrainian-Russian state border and verification by the OSCE with the creation of a security zone in the border regions of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, removal of illegal armed formations, military equipment, as well as militants and mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine. Instead, Russia permanently supports the occupation authorities of Donbass with weapons, ammunition, military equipment and personnel. Russia also categorically opposes monitoring of Ukraine's uncontrolled section of the state border through which columns of military equipment regularly come to the occupied Donbass and through which Ukrainian coal, products of Ukrainian metallurgical plants and so on are being exported from CADLO.