October, 24

Putin is in a hurry. He simplifies procedure for obtaining Russian passports by residents of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts yet more

07/18/2019 02:40:35 pm
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Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree that allows Ukrainians who previously lived in any district of the Luhansk or Donetsk oblasts of Ukraine to apply for Russian citizenship under simplified procedure. This is reported by RBC.

It is reported that previously, only those who lived in the territories of the so-called "DNR" or "LNR" had such an opportunity, and now residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts located in Russia will be able to apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation.

The report reminds that the subject of passports of the Russian Federation was touched upon at the hot line held in late June with the President of the Russian Federation. Putin said he would appreciate the need for adjustments in legislation on the simplified citizenship for Ukrainians. "In general, we will see what changes need to be made in the regulatory framework so that this process is as liberal as possible for other Ukrainian citizens in the country", - Putin stated.

As reported, Russia stated that it had already issued more than 10 thousand passports of the Russian Federation to residents of the occupied Donbass.