October, 26

Putin's people refuse to comment on issuing Russian passports to residents of "DNR/LNR"

04/16/2019 05:38:21 pm
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Moscow does not comment on information about the intention of simplified issuance of Russian passports to residents of the occupied part of Donbass. This was stated to journalists by press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov, - RIA Novosti reports.

"So far there are no comments on this issue", - he answered the question of whether a decree is being prepared on the simplified procedure for issuing Russian passports to citizens in CADLO.

According to Peskov, regular publications in Russian media about issuing such passports are associated with a heightened interest of the press to this topic.

"This is caused by a heightened interest of Russian media to this topic", - he answered the question of what caused the regular publications in Russian media that passports would be issued for the East of Ukraine.

"My personal opinion plays no role. I have no right to express my personal opinion", - Peskov concluded.

As previously reported, information that the conditions for the obtaining a Russian passport by residents of the occupied Donbass are presence of the document of the separatist "republics" and refusal of the Ukrainian passports appeared in Russian media. Russian passports will be issued to security officers in the occupied territories, civilians will have to go to the Rostov oblast, to Matveyev Kurgan. Information about who has the "DNR" passport and who has not is being collected in the budgetary institutions of the "republics".