September, 8

Belarus is ready to strengthen its role in resolving Donbass issue

04/15/2019 03:23:38 pm
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Belarus is ready to strengthen its role in resolving the conflict in Ukraine, if appropriate agreements are reached between the leaders of Russia and Ukraine. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said this in an interview with the Anadolu Turkish news agency, - BelTA reports.

The head of state stressed that the Belarusian party is doing everything possible to make its contribution to the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, where fraternal people still die. These issues were discussed at the recent meeting of Alexander Lukashenko with the OSCE Special Representative in the Trilateral Contact Group Martin Sajdik.

"Maybe, I should not, but seeing how sluggishly this process is going, a worthless process, how the Minsk agreements that were reached are not being fulfilled, I frankly said: if two presidents agree – of Russia and Ukraine, Putin and Poroshenko - and they will see strengthening of the role of Belarus there (because we are relatives, we are three sisters: Russia, Belarus and Ukraine), then we are ready to fulfill this role. But to impose ourselves as peacekeepers, to impose ourselves as mediators - we will never go to that. This is not something that is not necessary, it is unbecoming", - Lukashenko stated.

"After all, we know that as soon as I start to say something about Ukraine, they begin to wipe boots on me both in Russia and Ukraine. Someone does not like something. Therefore, I said: gentlemen, agree, you will see us in this agreement - we will try to fulfill the role that will be assigned to us. The goal is one - peace and stability in the region of Donbass and Luhansk and throughout Ukraine", - Lukashenko stressed.