July, 27

Illegal export of coal from occupied Donbass - about 10 million tons annually

01/29/2019 03:36:14 pm
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Analysis of the balance of produced and consumed coal in the occupied territory of Donbass shows that the volume of illegal exports from the so-called "DNR"-"LNR" is about 10 million tons. This is stated in the think piece of OstroV.

"… Production of 7.8-8.0 million tons in the "DNR" is quite a correct indicator… In general, the indicator is about 8 million tons for the "LNR" and 15-16 million tons – for CADLO in total… About 4 million tons of coal are used by CADLO for technical needs per year, and another 1-2 million tons – by domestic consumers. Total up to 6 million tons. Thus, the annual illegal export of coal from the uncontrolled territories is approaching the mark of 10 million tons per year", - economic observer of OstroV concludes.

"This means pretty good revenues for those who came to power in Donetsk and Luhansk on the topic of "Donbass Independence" – taking into account the growth in world prices for thermal coal from $42 to $100/ton over the past 2 years. However, because of the illegal origin, the local "masters of the universe" are forced to give the coal produced in CADLO to foreign traders at $22/ton, according to data of journalistic investigations. But even in this case, the annual revenue is $220 million – quite a good incentive to cling to the ideas of the Russian World till the last breath", - the article says.