October, 18

PACE adopts resolution demanding release of Ukrainian seamen and applying Geneva Convention to them

01/24/2019 04:42:08 pm
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The PACE resolution which condemns Russia for aggression in the Black Sea and recognizes Ukrainian sailors captured near the Kerch Strait as falling under the Geneva Convention on the status of prisoners of war has been adopted. This was written on Facebook by people's deputy Volodymyr Ariev.

"The PACE resolution on Azov, on which they worked for two months, was adopted. 103 for! The text is good. I congratulate our delegation for the remarkable result!", - the member of parliament wrote.

Lawyer of the Ukrainian seamen Nikolai Polozov responded to the message of Volodymyr Ariev: "Great news! The resolution on Azov, in which the release of captured Ukrainian sailors is demanded from Russia, and until their release - compliance with the provisions of the Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949 "On the Treatment of Prisoners of War", – was adopted".

He believes that "this is the first serious step in the international arena to release the captured Ukrainian sailors".

European Pravda reports the details of adoption of the resolution. It is noted that during the discussion, the deputies decided not to mention the term "prisoners of war" in the document, which the Ukrainian party insisted on.

On Wednesday, representatives of the Ukrainian delegation and a number of other states amended the resolution recognizing the status of prisoners of war for Ukrainian sailors. It was suggested that the text should contain a phrase stating that medical, consular and legal assistance should be provided to them "as prisoners of war, as provided for by the relevant norms of international law".

Just before, the representatives of Ukraine held a number of meetings with the PACE officials, including speaker on Azov, German deputy Andreas Nick, trying to convince him of the need for legal recognition of the status of prisoners of war, but he refused.

"Using the wording "prisoner of war" would not help the de-escalation", - Nick explained his position during the discussion of document in the plenary hall.

At the same time, a compromise wording that satisfied the Ukrainian party was found. The resolution added that Ukrainian sailors captured by the Russians are subject to "international humanitarian law, including the Geneva Conventions". As is known, it is the complex of the Geneva Conventions adopted in 1949 that regulate the status of prisoners of war and rules for their treatment.