September, 8

"Kadyrovites" are being returned to occupied Donbass to strengthen the position of Surkov in the "DNR/LNR" - Information Resistance

09/11/2018 02:57:07 pm
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Chechen mercenaries have arrived in the occupied Donbass to support the course conducted by the Kremlin curator Vladislav Surkov and strengthen his position in confrontation with representatives of the FSB working in the "DNR/LNR". This is stated in the material published on the website of Information Resistance.

It is noted that the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the person of Vladislav Surkov still managed to maintain control over the situation and hold on to power in the occupied part of Donbass. However, according to the author, representatives of the FSB of the Russian Federation are trying to turn the tables. In this regard, according to the material, Surkov decided to use a time proved guard represented by "Kadyrovites".

"So, the Chechen mercenaries will return to the occupied part of Donbasі in order to discourage the FSB from extorting Vladislav Surkov. What is more, the stake is correct in this case", - the author writes.

In the author's opinion, the confrontation of the Kremlin curator Surkov and FSB "once again demonstrates the fierce struggle for power and influence, both in the region and in the eyes of the supreme commander-in-chief".