September, 8

"DNR" tries to screw out $160 thousand of Intertelecom for the right to work in the occupied area - social networks

08/08/2018 06:00:54 pm
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The Ukrainian mobile operator Intertelecom must pay $160 thousand of “tax” to the occupation authorities of the "DNR" for the right to work in an uncontrolled territory. This was written by the "republican" blogger "Donetsk Aborigine" in the social network.

"Tashkent (the fake minister of the "Ministry of Revenue and Fees"- OstroV) wants them to pay $160 thousand, the company itself denies its presence on the territory, so it isn’t going to give money", - he wrote.

As previously reported, Intertelecom has repeatedly said that since 2014 it provides services only in the territory under Ukraine's control, and therefore does not intend to pay the invaders.

However, the equipment, seized by the "DNR", was used by a certain company, called DonTelecom. According to local residents, in its office it was possible to buy CDMA phones and SIM cards of the Ukrainian Intertelecom, the signal of which was available on a significant part of the zone of occupation.

During the absence of the signal of the Ukrainian operator Vodafone, the inhabitants of the CDDO began using services of Intertelecom. It was the only operator, which provided a possibility for the inhabitants of the occupation zone to call to free territory of Ukraine.

Since August 2, this connection has disappeared in the occupied territory of the Donetsk oblast. DonTelecom announced that it is not available due to technical problems. The office itself is closed.