October, 24

"DNR" militant Prilepin will head campaign headquarters of the candidate for mayor of Moscow from the Communist Party

07/09/2018 05:51:01 pm
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The "DNR" militant, a Russian propagandist Zakhar Prilepin, will head the campaign headquarters of candidate for mayor of Moscow from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vadim Kumin. Kumin told that journalists himself, - TASS writes.

In addition to Prilepin, the communist will be promoted by public figure Maksim Shevchenko and grandson of the leader of the Communist Party, member of the Moscow City Council Leonid Zyuganov.

As previously reported, Russian mercenary Prilepin served as adviser to the leader of the "DNR", and also called himself deputy commander of one of the terrorist battalions. On Sunday, he announced that he was leaving the battalion, but promised to continue his activities in the occupied Donbass.

Even the "comrades in arms", that is, the militants of the "DNR", repeatedly noted that Prilepin’s "battalion" is an exclusively propaganda unit. The separatists assure that Prilepin and his battalion did not take part in military operations and that numerous photos "from the front" are staged or fake.