September, 8

Occupation authorities of CDDLO sentenced a resident of the Donetsk oblast to 10 years in prison "for espionage"

06/27/2018 05:58:17 pm
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The fake "military tribunal" of the "DNR" sentenced a civilian of the Donetsk oblast to 10 years in prison for allegedly spying "in favor of Ukraine", the separatist media reported.

The "trial" of a native of Krasnohorivka (a settlement under the control of the Ukrainian government - Ed.) Sokolov Valeriy, born in 1958, was considered in closed regime.

The separatists claim that Sokolov allegedly collected data "about one of the military objects of the DNR", in particular, made photos and videos of it.

The report says that the man will be detained "in the colony of strict regime".

This is not the first time when residents of the occupied territory are accused of spying for photo or video shooting, including the usage of camera of an ordinary smartphone.