October, 24

Poroshenko dismissed Donetsk governor Zhebrivskyi and awarded him

06/14/2018 12:31:25 pm
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President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed a decree to dismiss Pavlo Zhebrivskyi from the post of chairman of Donetsk Regional State Administration, Radio Svoboda reports. The relevant decree has been posted on the president’s official website.

“To dismiss Pavlo Zhebrivskyi from the post of chairman of Donetsk Regional State Administration in line with the submitted letter of resignation”, - reads the document.

At the same time, before dismissing the chairman of the regional administration, Poroshenko signed decree on awarding the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of the fifth degree to Zhebrivskyi "for a significant personal contribution to state-building, long-lasting conscientious service to the Ukrainian people".

As earlier reported, Pavlo Zhebrivskyi submitted a letter of resignation on June 11. On June 13, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the draft presidential decree on the dismissal of head of the Donetsk Regional Military Civil Administration at his own request. The official thanked his team for the work, told about his achievements at the position, but did not explain what prompted him to take a decision on his resignation.

56-year-old Pavlo Zhebrivskyi was appointed as a chairman of the Donetsk Regional Military Civil Administration three years ago, on June 11, 2015. Before that, from August 2014 he had served as a volunteer in the zone of military operations in the Donbass in the rank of senior sergeant, had participated in battles near Debaltseve, Volnovakha and other towns. After demobilization in January 2015, he headed the Office of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine on investigation corruption crimes committed by officials who occupy a particularly responsible position, the message says.