July, 27

Ukraine is ready to pass 23 people to Russia to release Sentsov, Kolchenko, Gryb - Herashchenko

06/04/2018 04:40:54 pm
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Ukraine is ready to pass 23 persons to Russia to release Oleg Sentsov who is on the hunger strike now and other political prisoners of Kremlin. Iryna Herashchenko, the Representative of Ukraine to the humanitarian subgroup in the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk, 112 Ukraine reports.

“Last week, during another Minsk Talks, the Ukrainian side has appealed to Russia one more time with the initiative – we are ready to pass 23 Russians convicted in Ukraine for the involvement in the terrorist actions, preparations of the terrorist acts, for the crimes against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. we are ready to pass them to Russia to free Sentsov, Kolchenko, Karpyuk, Klykh, Gryb, the young student kidnapped in Belarus who is not provided the medicines, and other political prisoners of Kremlin. We do not distinguish between the Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars and those who stay in the occupied territories”, - she said.

She reminded that today in Russia Ukrainian journalist Roman Sushchenko got pseudo-sentence; Oleg Sentsov, Oleksandr Kolchenko, Oleksandr Shumkov, Volodymyr Balukh are on the hunger strike.

Herashchenko urged the colleagues to appeal to all international structures with a demand to Russia to release the political prisoners until 2018 FIFA World Cup, allow the representatives of the Red Cross and ombudswoman Lyudmyla Denysova to the political prisoners from Ukraine in all jails, including those in occupied territories.

“And the third point – I want to appeal to 5,000 of the Ukrainian who bought the tickets for the World Cup. Dear Ukrainians, think ten times before, whether it is worthy to come to the place where you can be caught, detained and then the Ukrainian authority will be powerless even to send you the councils”, - she emphasized.