October, 26

Groysman orders to start massive checks of all Ukrainian malls

03/28/2018 03:10:05 pm
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Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman has instructed to begin a large-scale inspection of the safety of shopping malls, cinemas, schools, kindergartens and other places of mass gathering, - OstroV’s correspondent reports.

"Today, we give instructions from the government to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Service for Emergency Situations in conjunction with other authorities, local authorities, to begin a large-scale inspection of shopping malls, cinemas, schools, kindergartens, children's clubs - all those places where people gather", - he said, opening a meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday.

"I do not need your fines, I need people's safety. I need people not to fall into the trap of fire or other threats", - he said.

The prime minister promised to publish the results of the checks in a month.

"There will be tight control throughout the country", - he said.

The prime minister also expressed his condolences over the tragedy that occurred in Kemerovo.

As it was reported earlier, Winter Cherry shopping mall caught fire in the Russian city of Kemerovo on March 25. According to the Emergency Service, the fire occurred on the fourth floor where the cinema and children’s playgrounds were situated. According to the last data, 64 people died. 15 people are hospitalized. There is also information about the missing, but their number varies.