October, 24

"DNR" lays down conditions to Vodafone: pay $14 million and work

03/23/2018 03:58:27 pm
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The "DNR" has announced the "debt" of Vodafone Ukrainian operator to the budget of the pseudo-republic in the amount of $14 million. This was stated by the so-called "Minister of incomes and fees of the DNR Alexander Timofieyev", - separatist media writes.

"As of today, the tax liabilities of Vodafone operator or MTS-Ukraine are as follows: the company did not pay a single penny of taxes to the budget of the Republic… There are about $14 million for the amount owing. This is money that was not paid for this period, direct tax liabilities. And state employees' salaries are being formed from the payments of taxes, – what is called government obligation, - he said.

At the same time, he stated that if Vodafone wants to return to the occupied territory of the Donetsk region, the operator should allegedly register and pay taxes to the occupants.

"If Vodafone wants to return, now it will not be so that it came and turned on – it comes to the Ministry of incomes and fees, registers and this company is being presented with tax claims. If there is a payment, it turns on and works. If there is no payment from Vodafone, then, guys, I am sorry, I will sell it all to the person who will buy it. It will be Phoenix or someone else – it is all the same to me. I will receive this money to the budget of the Republic in any case", - he said.

As previously reported, on January 11, Vodafone (MTS) mobile communication was disconnected throughout the occupied territory of Donbass. It did not appear in the "DNR" up to now. In this context, the demand for start packages of the previously unpopular Phoenix separatist operator, created on the equipment stolen from the Ukrainian Kyivstar, has sharply increased. More than 100.000 new subscribers joined it in a short time. However, Phoenix was not able to serve the sharply increased traffic and provide a decent level of communication.