July, 27

"DNR Minister of Inland Revenue" with a call sign "Tashkent" owns 11 companies from the U.S. sanctions list

02/07/2018 06:10:22 pm
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The companies owned by the so-called "Minister of Inland Revenue of the DNR" Alexander Timofeev ("Tashkent") are included in the U.S. sanctions list. This is stated in the study conducted by YouControl.

It is noted that 32 Ukrainian companies got into the new sanction list, which was issued by the U.S. Treasury at the end of January. According to analysts, 20 of them are still operating and 12 are in a state of cessation. The most common areas in which these companies operate are fuel, energy and media. Their founders hold or held key positions in so-called "DNR" and "LNR" representations.

The study revealed that most of those companies are in the ATO zone and are not in a state of cessation. So, they carry out activities, and they must pay taxes to the Ukrainian budget.

There are certain problems with this: eight companies from list have a tax debt amounting to $59.3 thousand. The founders of all these companies are persons involved in the occupation authorities of the so-called "DNR" and "LNR".

It is reported that the "DNR Minister of Inland Revenue" Alexander Timofeev is involved in 11 companies on the sanctions list. Six of them are still operating. He owns agrarian enterprises that are part of the Ecoprod group of companies, a powerful Agro-industrial group of the Donbass. He also owns media assets of Donbass, security companies, restaurants, wholesale trade assets.

"The Minister of Justice of the DNR" Elena Radomskaya has established three companies that are on the sanctions list. They are still providing legal services.

"Deputy Minister of Information of the DNR" Igor Antipov is the founder of four companies that are under sanctions. Their services are terminated. Earlier, they provided advertising services and were engaged in publishing newspapers.

Two companies from the list were founded by the former "Fuel and energy minister of the DNR" Alexey Granovsky. One of his companies is currently in a state of cessation, and had earlier been engaged in construction. The second one is the communal structure "Parking lots of the Donetsk City Council".

Brothers Alexander and Sergey Melnichuk founded 11 companies, which are on the list. Only one of them is not operating at the moment. Alexander Melnichuk is the so-called "Deputy Minister of Energy of the LNR", and his brother is involved in coal trade in the territory under Ukraine's control.

Two companies of Sergey Melnichuk have valid licenses (from 2010 to 2030; and from 2011 to 2031) for the coal extraction from the State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine.