September, 8

Readiness to make compromises to resolve the Donbass situation is more inherent to easterners and southerners - a sociologist

01/19/2018 04:12:19 pm
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The willingness to make compromises to solve the situation in the Donbass is expressed most of all by the inhabitants of the southern and eastern parts of the country. A sociologist, director of the Democratic Initiatives fund Iryna Bekeshkina told this in an interview with Apostrof edition.

According to her, Ukrainians do not agree with almost all the compromises that are proposed for the Donbass. "They are least willing to hold local elections on militants’ conditions, only 12% agree to that", - Bekeshkina said, adding that Ukrainians also do not agree with the condition for the formation of power structures in the Donbass from local representatives.

"They do not agree to special political and economic relations with temporarily uncontrolled territories: 20% agree, 49% do not agree. Almost 30% agree on granting the special status for certain territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, but almost 50% do not agree to that. We see that our population does not give consent to this at all", - the sociologist notes.

The issue of Ukraine's accession to NATO is more or less acceptable for Ukrainians. At the same time, residents of the eastern and southern regions believe that the country should maintain its non-aligned status.

According to Bekeshkina, the bellicosity of citizens depends on their remoteness from the front. "The farther from the front, the more bellicosity and radicalism grow". The greatest radicalism is observed in the western regions. That is, the rejection of any compromises gets much smaller when approaching the war zone. "There is an interesting nuance: the southern and eastern regions are more likely to compromise even than the Donbass territories, controlled by Ukraine", - she notes.