September, 8

Prosecutor General and NABU director came to the conclusion that their public reconciliation was a mistake

12/27/2017 12:04:49 pm
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Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko and director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine Artem Sytnyk have come to a common opinion that the public reconciliation was a mistake. Lutsenko stated this in an interview to Ukrainian television channels, shown on Tuesday evening, - Interfax-Ukraine reports.

"We met with Mr. Sytnyk just the other day after he returned from the USA. We discussed the situation, and came to a common conclusion that a public reconciliation was a mistake. Those claims by the NABU that their work is being hinderer and other things, including on my part", - the Prosecutor General said.

Lutsenko recalled that he had submitted to the Verkhovna Rada the amendments to the laws that are "inadequate" from his perspective. "For example, selecting undercover agents at open bids. But this is the law. If it is wrong, it should be changed, not broken", - Lutsenko specified.