September, 8

Putin instructed to introduce a resolution on the deployment of peacekeepers in the Donbass to the UN Security Council

09/05/2017 02:04:17 pm
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Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to introduce a resolution to the UN Security Council on the deployment of UN peacekeepers on the line of demarcation in the Donbass to ensure the security of OSCE personnel. He told this at a press conference on the results of the BRICS summit, Tass reports.

"The Minister (of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov – Ed.) is here, we will consider that this is my instruction to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to introduce the relevant resolution to the Security Council", - Putin added.

As OstroV reported earlier, Vladimir Putin said that he considers the deployment of peacekeepers in the Donbass to be quite appropriate when fulfilling a number of conditions. In particular, he believes that peacekeepers can be present only on the line of demarcation, and should be introduced after direct negotiations with the occupied Donetsk and Luhansk.