October, 24

Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights

09/05/2017 11:24:48 am
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"The DNP special representative in the Contact Group negotiations" Denis Pushilin: "Sadly that the pressure of radical elements turned out to be dominant for the Ukrainian president. Having signed the "Law on amnesty of the ATO soldiers", Petro Poroshenko violated the decision of the Normandy Four about the amnesty of participants of the events in the Donbass".

"The DNR Ministry of Emergency Situations": "At 16:00 on September 4, rescuers raised the body of the second miner, who disappeared when the Horizont Makiivka mine was flooded. The body of the first dead miner was discovered and raised by rescuers at 10:03".

Media: "The Prosecutor General's Office of the DNR announced its readiness to transfer new remains of bodies, found at the crash site of Boeing-777, to Holland.

Media: "The Donetsk command published an order "On the prohibition of unreasonable restriction of the activities of OSCE observers in the territory of the Republic".

Media: "The command of the LNR People's Militia issued an order to provide servicemen for the untrammeled activity of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observers".

Media: "The LNR State Customs Committee will officially register vehicles at internal customs posts in order to avoid the queueing at international automobile checkpoints. This was announced by Chairman of the State Customs Committee Andrey Karpak".

"The DNR Ministry of Emergency Situations":" The DNR Ministry of Emergency Situations' sappers neutralized more than 1530 explosive objects in the territory of the republic over the past week".

Media: "Twenty-three employees of Donetsk Metallurgical Plant joined the ranks of "the Donetsk Republic" social movement. Solemn presentation of membership cards took place in the assembly hall of the enterprise on September 4".

Media: "A number of lessons, devoted to the Young Guard, began at Dahl University in Luhansk".

"Donetsk City Administration": "During the period from August 28 to September 4, 74 babies were born in Donetsk: 40 boys and 34 girls".

"Luhansk City Administration": "During the period from August 28 to September 3, 91 babies were born in Luhansk: 43 boys and 48 girls".

Media: "More than 200 schoolchildren from the Sverdlovsk district of the LNR went to rest in the Rostov oblast".

Media: "Head of the LNR Igor Plotnitsky instructed the authorities of Luhansk to organize a parking near Tenderness temple by the City Day".