October, 24

Main Intelligence Directorate and local residents report the facts of the killing of civilians by the "DNR" militants

08/28/2017 12:11:39 pm
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Russian mercenaries shot a civilian in the occupied Makiivka. This is stated in the message of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence.

According to intelligence, on August 25, Russian invaders committed the murder of a civilian in Makiivka. "After committing the crime, Russian servicemen tried to fabricate evidence to accuse the deceased of attacking the military", - the report said.

In addition, residents of the occupied part of the Donetsk oblast told OstroV that on August 22, the occupants from the Special Rapid Response Unit of the Russian Guard shot a civilian (resident of Sedove settlement) Alexey Kudelia at the checkpoint.

Local residents reported that he was shot in a Niva car. OstroV’s source reports that the militants explain the murder of a civilian by the fact that he allegedly did not stop at a roadblock and that "a grenade was found" in his car.